Simple and delicious. Came up with this recipe when trying to duplicate a local pizza restaurant's peppercorn ranch dressing that we love. This dressing...
Sweet, nutty, and herbally aromatic, this vinaigrette compliments a wide variety of dishes, and is easy to make! The sugared walnuts, nut oils, and fresh...
Cool, creamy, and spicy. Crazy good salad dressing you could also use as a dip. This recipe is a lot like the dip they serve at Chuy's, which is a restaurant...
Play with the ingredients to develop a dressing that meets your tastes. You can use between 1 and 2 tablespoons of ketchup, or substitute relish for the...
A full-flavored, tangy dressing to complement any seafood and/or accompanying side dish. Dressing is ready immediately, but giving it 30 minutes for the...
A mix of juicy pears, sweetened nuts, dried cherries, and feta cheese makes this is a show-stopping sweet salad! The taste and colors will impress! You...
This is a great Caesar dressing from a bed and breakfast in St. Simon's Island, Georgia. It is the best I've had. Great with a grilled chicken breast on...
This dressing is a must-have because it makes all salads super-yummy. It's so simple! Top your salad with chicken with almonds, spinach and berries, or...
A spicy twist on traditional ranch dressing. I use this on taco salads and as a dipping sauce for taquitos, mini-tacos, jalapeno poppers, etc. It's good...
This sweet and tart vinaigrette has an added spicy smokiness from the chipotle chile powder and an earthiness from the cumin. The combination of flavors...
This vinaigrette is especially gorgeous with a classic fall/winter salad palette. I served it over some endive garnished with persimmons, pistachios, and...
Here's a smooth and tasty alternative to regular Caesar dressing. This recipe has stood the test of time in my kitchen, and is requested often. It tastes...
This is a sundried tomato and fresh basil with pine nut salad dressing...also olive oil and balsamic. Use on a light romaine or a spinach salad...Dressing...
White wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, and herbs make this a truly memorable way to cook salmon. I made it the other night and everyone said that it was the...
This is a summer favorite that I served in many restaurants, inspired by my 'oops, the Cabernet wine has turned again in the heat,' moments. This is usually...
If you're a huge Caesar salad fan like I am, you may have had trouble finding a plant-based dressing that compared to the creamy, garlicky, dairy-based...
This is my husband's favorite dressing, and it is the best dressing to use in taco salad. The original dressing was made in St. Paul, Nebraska and is sold...
This dressing has a slight Asian taste with the honey and ponzu, but not sweet. The garlic gives it that kick! This would make a great dressing for a bold...
This is an excellent way to serve mussels on the half shell. They are topped with a tangy blend of bell peppers and vinaigrette dressing. This makes a...